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“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16

ヨハネによる福音書 3:16 それ神はその獨子を賜ふほどに世を愛し給へり、すべて彼を信ずる者の亡びずして、永遠の生命を得んためなり。

What does this mean? Who is the only begotten Son of God? Truthfully, the Son of God is Christ Jesus. He came to this earth, fully God and fully man;born of a virgin, lived a perfect and sinless life that we could never have achieved, and died a terrible death. The reason for his brutal torture and painful death was so that those who believe in him could have everlasting life in heaven. After three days in the tomb, he rose again, back to life, and returned to his rightful place in heaven. God sacrificed his only Son (which is also God) because he loves us to an unimaginable degree and wants no soul to suffer in hell for all eternity.


Why should you believe in the finished work of Jesus and the power of His Blood? Because he loves you, died for you, and wants to spend eternity with you in heaven. Heaven is a place beyond our wildest dreams. We cannot possibly imagine what Jesus has in store for those who believe in him. If you accept the work of Jesus, understanding that you are an imperfect sinner without any other way of redemption, and decide to walk with him for the rest of your life, you will obtain this infinite time in heaven, with him, God, and all other friends and family members who did the same. We should see our pets, too!


Now, there is a day where he will come back to reign on this earth. Before that happens, there will be a terrible 7-year tribulation: a time that will be far, far worse than World War II! There will be atomic bombs raining down on cities, earthquakes and tsunamis beyond measure, starvation and disease, total control and horrible, evil practices around every corner. Most people on Earth will die! There will be a mark that everyone must take on their right hand or forehead, or else they will be beheaded! Thankfully, before that period comes to pass, which is very, very soon, Jesus will take those who believed in him away from the planet and to heaven, where there will be a wonderful celebration. I will be among those taken away. I wish for you to join me, because very soon, I will be gone from this earth. I will have dissappeared. They may say that the aliens came to take us, or whatever ridiculous theory they have. Yet, I will have been taken by the King of Kings to the celebration, spared from the destruction of this planet. If you are still here after I'm gone, turn to Jesus and DO NOT take the mark. They will say that you cannot buy or sell without it. It's not worth it. Upon taking that mark, you will belong to Satan (the Devil) and be forbidden entry into heaven. You will go to hell if you take it. This is all as real as the air you breathe. I really do want you to come with me when it's time to go, because I won't be here much longer. With the rumors of war in Israel, it could be any day now where Jesus takes us believers away. It's so simple, and it's free! If you're reading this, and thinking about it, don't wait! As I said, it could be any moment now. It could be today, with all of the prophetic events coming to pass in the world. I love you so much, and Jesus loves you even more than I could ever express to you! Please, come to him and escape from this sinful world with all of us! Nothing in it will last forever, and certainly nothing in it is worth more than your salvation from Jesus.
